Acase study of quality function deployment in E - Examination Quality Function Deployment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of computer science international University of Africa Khartoum, Sudan

2 Department of computer science Sudan University of Science and Technology Khartoum, Sudan


Quality function deployment is one of the most techniques to initially manufacturing organization, sometimes a customer doesn’t understand the desire which is reflected on the faces of the system, the aim of this paper is a case study of the requirement of the international university of Africa to deploy E – Examination at the university.
The methodology of this paper is an interview of some of decision makers and officers IT at the university to overall the requirements and to deploy QFD to helped and  to understand these requirements, the result is the cost is very important for re-engineering characteristic because is the high degree of analyze with QFD (22%) and Infrastructure is second important (20%,) so with the QFD the researcher could understand the desire of the university clearly and recommend using them in the future.


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